adding new ressource type RE : adding new ressource type Sebastien Jourdain 2008-01-08T17:52:43+01:00 Otherwise, it's planned to add user custom field in future release and the form resource was the first step. But the idea behind was to allow user to attach a set of fields to any resource type.

As Artenum, we provide also a specific development. Such development need to be discussed with us directly.


Seb]]> adding new ressource type pbourdil 2008-01-08T17:35:10+01:00 is it possible to add new ressource type? I'm looking for a CDE and LibreSource is a potential candidate but i need a more general and configurable issue ressource. It would be very nice to allow user to add custom field to an issue, so that, it could be possible to track everithing( think of risk managment, peer reviewing, ...) . Maybe this is possible in the commercial version ? or maybe it's planned for future release?

Pierre-Alain BOURDIL]]>