1) LibreSource config file
- create a directory for the LibreSource indexation (kernel.indexationDataDir)
- create a directory for the LibreSource file exchange (libresource.distributedFilesystem)
- give to the postgres group the right to use these folders
sudo chgrp postgres tmp/files tmp/index
sudo chmod g+rwx tmp/files tmp/index
- create the libresource database in PostgreSQL
- create the libresource user in PostgreSQL
- allow this user to be a superuser :
ALTER USER libresource WITH superuser;
- Edit the file $LIBRESOURCE_HOME/Distribution/ls-config.properties
in order to set your server properties
- Edit the file $LIBRESOURCE_HOME/Distribution/build.properties
in order to choose the service you want
- Export the JONAS_ROOT path
(The following given path should be updated regarding your personnal configuration)
on windows: SET JONAS_ROOT=c:/JONAS_4_7_x
on linux : export JONAS_ROOT=/opt/JONAS_4_7_x
- Run "./ThirdPart/ant/bin/ant clean-all; ./ThirdPart/ant/bin/ant deploy" to build
the LibreSource ear and libresourceDS.properties and libresourceMail.properties and libresourceConfig.properties