The reason that I see, could be that the user
postgre don't have a /home/postgres and when you execute the svn command at the libresource configuration/initialisation, the login/password are not kept for furthers command. So when LibreSource execute its commit, it do it as an unauthenticated user.
PS: LibreSource execute such command when creating a repository (I translate to similar cmd line)
cd xxxx/2138546516875421
svn add xxxx/2138546516875421
svn add xxxx/2138546516875421/trunk
svn add xxxx/2138546516875421/tags
svn add xxxx/2138546516875421/branches
svn commit xxxx/2138546516875421 -m "Add repository 2138546516875421"
- 2138546516875421 : is a sample svn repository
- xxxx : is the home SVN repository