In case you are having trouble getting the So6 plugin to appear in eclipse I have some instructions to follow:
In order to get the eclipse plugin to work follow these instructions.
- Make sure that eclipse is not running
- Move the following plugins from the plugin directory; $eclipse_home/eclipse/plugins/ to a temporary directory. The cvs U.I. plugin:
- Now start eclipse and close it again.
- Now reinstall the cvs plugin that was removed.
- Install the So6 plugin by unzipping the file into the directory $eclipse_home/eclipse ex. F:/Program Files/eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-win32/eclipse
- Now start eclipse
- Create or open a project.
- Right click on the project and choose team, then share.
- You should now see a window like:
- Share Project;
- select a repository type: So6, cvs.
- Select So6
- Select the "create a new connection" tab.
- Enter the values in the fields.
Workspace name: MyTestWorkspace [or any other workspace]
Synchronizer URI: /projects/test/source [or any other synchronizer directory]
Username: [your user name]
Password: [your password]
Server address: [your server host address (the port number is needed.)]
Client type: LibreSource client
- If you get errors, make sure that you don’t have any extra spaces before or after the data entered in the fields listed above.